Legal Aid Cell

Legal Aid Cell

The Legal Aid Cell basically serves the purpose of providing legal aid and advice not with the aim of earning profit but in General Public Interest. The College aims to provide access to justice for the poor, disadvantaged or unorganized groups. Legal aid denotes legal assistance to needy and indigent persons and legal literacy is the endeavor for creating legal awareness.

  • Aims and Objectives –
    • For effective approaches to the legal education and rendering services.
    • To provide free legal aid and advice to the needy.
    • To provide the machinery through which justice becomes easily accessible to the disadvantaged section of the society.
    • To aware people through legal aid camps and street plays etc.
    • To organize Legal Literacy Programs
    • To promote Alternative Dispute Resolution mechanism
    • To assist the people seeking interpretation of law orders, notices, awards and judgments
    • To help the students develop and realize their professional and social responsibility.
  • Activities under cell –
    • Legal Advice
    • Amicable Settlement of Disputes
    • Legal Aid Programs
    • Para-legal services
    • Legal Literacy Camp
  • Faculty Incharge

            Asst. Prof. ShraddhaNigade

  • Student Coordinator

           Javed Jamada R

  • Working –
    • Students of the Legal Aid Cell visit schools in and around Pune to take sessions on legal literacy for school children. Topics covered range from child abuse, right to education, drugs and narcotics awareness, social media and cybercrime, etc. Language is no barrier as sessions are taken in English, Hindi and Marathi.


    • Students of the legal aid cell take legal literacy camps in villages around Pune city. The topics discussed in these camps are pertinent to the living situation in villages and range from dowry prohibition, domestic violence, land laws of Maharashtra, laws regarding sex determination of a baby, Right to Information, etc. These camps are held in regional languages like Marathi and Hindi.