Rules and Regulations

Rules and Regulations

• The Library is open to the bonafide members of Vilasrao Deshmukh Law College, Pune.
• The admission to the library is permitted on production of valid I.D. Card issued by the College.
• Students are requested to sign the Gate Register kept at the counter.
• All the issued books, personal text books, any other books or books borrowed from other libraries are not allowed in the library. They have to be deposited in the property counter.
• Bags, Briefcases, umbrella, jerkins and Personal belongings must be deposited at the property counter. No valuables should be deposited at the property counter.
• Library does not accept any responsibility for loss or damage to personal property left on the premises.
• The property left at the counter must be taken back on the same day.
• Silence should be maintained in the library.
• While leaving the library, members are required to show their files, file covers, books to the staff on duty at the gate.
• Misuse of library materials will result in expelling the student from the library.
• Entry of media, photography & video recording is prohibited in the library.
• Eatables are not allowed in the library.
• Carrying of mobiles is not allowed in the library.

Library Timings
Monday to Saturday : 10.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.

Loss of Identity Card
• Loss of I.D Card must be reported immediately.
• Duplicate I.D card will be issued to student on payment of Rs. 50